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Health Care Plan

The following policies/procedures will help ensure a healthy and safe environment for children enrolled at Treasures To Grow On Christian Preschool and Kindergarten.

I. Handwashing

Hands shall be washed with soap under running water. The following are not approved substitutes for soap and running water: hand sanitizers, water basins, and pre-moistened cleansing wipes. The following procedures are considered best practice for hand washing:

  • moisten hands with warm water and apply soap
  • rub hands together vigorously for at least 20 seconds
  • rub areas between fingers, around nail beds and under fingernails and the back of hands
  • rinse and dry with a single service towel
  • use towel to turn off the water faucet


II. Universal Precautions

  • Following theses guidelines can help reduce disease transmission:
  • Avoid contact with body fluids when possible.
  • Use protective breathing barriers for any situation requiring rescue breathing.
  • Place barriers such as disposable gloves or a clean dry cloth between the victim’s body fluids and yourself.
  • Use disposable gloves.
  • Cover any cuts, sores, scrapes and skin conditions you may have.
  • Avoid eating, drinking, or touching mouth, nose or eyes when giving first aid.
  • Do not touch objects that may be soiled with blood.
  • Wash hands with soap and water immediately after providing care to a victim.


III. Cleaning and Sanitizing

The following steps are to be followed for cleaning and sanitizing:

  • Wash the surface or article vigorously with warm water and detergent.
  • Rinse the surface with clean water.
  • Submerge, wipe, or spray the surface or the article with a sanitizing solution.
  • Let the surface or article air-dry.


IV. Observation of General Health of Children

Staff should be constantly aware of the general health of children in attendance at preschool and/or kindergarten. Staff should be able to recognize symptoms of disease and illness, rashes, as well as developmental delays.

V. Sick Children

Sick children should be kept be at home for their sake and the sake of others. Excessive sneezing or coughing, nasal discharges that are not clear, vomiting, diarrhea, fever and highly contagious illnesses (e.g. chickenpox, pink eye) are indications that a child should not attend school. If the staff observes any of these symptoms, the child may be placed in a separate area where he or she may be comfortably cared for and supervised until parents are contacted and he or she can be taken home. Staff will be responsible for reporting to the parent observed changes in the child’s health or accidents that may have happened to their child while at school.

VI. Minor Injury Policy

Bumps, bruises and minor cuts are to be treated with appropriate measures. Staff is the fill out an “Ouch Report” for minor injuries that occur at school. A copy of the “Ouch Report” should be kept in the child’s file, and a copy should be sent home with the injured child.

VII. Serious Accident/injury plan

In the event of a child sustaining a serious accident or injury, beyond bumps, bruises, and minor cuts, the following procedures are to be followed:

Lead teacher will call 911 and is responsible for attending to the injured child, caring for the injured child and helping them stay calm and quiet

Teacher’s aide is responsible for remaining with the other children and for keeping them occupied and assured. The aide will contact the parents of the child, and direct emergency personnel to the injured child.

VIII. Record of Physical Exam and Immunizations

The center shall keep on file the green Health Appraisal form provided by the State of Michigan. The form will be complete, including the signatures of both the parent/guardian and a health care professional. The immunization section of the form must be complete, or include a signed waiver.

IX. Medications

Medication will not be administered at preschool/kindergarten since most medicine is given at 4-hour intervals, parents are asked to work around school hours. (School is in session for less than 3 hours.) Topical medicines like sunscreen and mosquito repellant are also the responsibility of the parent, since the children only spend 15 minutes per class session outside.

X. Reporting child abuse/neglect

Under the state’s Child Protection Law, these categories of workers are required to report suspected child abuse or neglect:

1. Social Services

2. Medical

3. Mental Health

4. Legal, Law Enforcement and Criminal justice

5. Education

6. Child Daycare Providers

7. Clergy

So-called mandated reporters must immediately contact Child Protective Services by phone or in person to report suspected abuse or neglect. A written report must be sent within 72 hours. Failure to report can result in a misdemeanor charge punishable by up to 93 days in jail or a $500 fine, or both. For tips on spotting signs of abuse or neglect, go to Click on “Protective Services” then click on “Referral Process.” Suspected child abuse or neglect can be reported to the State anytime by calling 800-942-4357.

XI. Crisis Management

Crisis management situations may include, but are not limited to intruders, bomb threats, custody disputes, power outages, and/or missing children. In a crisis, the lead teacher is to take charge and delegate specific duties to the other staff members to carry out.

XII. Health Care Resources

The following health Care Resources will be used in compliance of licensing rule 400.5111b.

  1. Deb Harvey, Physicians Assistant
  2. Clinton Memorial Hospital
  6. Michigan Matter Newsletter